(My ‘meh to wow’ process)
1. Discover
I’ll ask the right questions to uncover the truth about why you need a new website and exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve. I’ll dig deeper so that I can satisfy your real needs.
2. Build a sitemap
Once I understand you, I’ll mix in search keyword data, persuasion theory and sales funnels and build a visual sitemap so we can easily discuss and agree the most important messages and the best way to structure them for users and for Google. This is transformative.
3. Create a working prototype
Next, I’ll build an interactive prototype so you can see the flow and functionality of your new website, working in the browser. At this point, there’s no visual design. We need to agree functionality first, so, it isn’t pretty, but this vital step helps us focus on making a customer-centered website that works.
4. Add graphic design & content
OK, NOW we can talk brand design. Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief as your new website starts to look fantastic. Also, here’s where we start adding real content and photographs. Your new website really comes to life and everyone starts asking “when will this go ‘live’?”.
5. Test it
Once you are happy with the website design, I do need to retire to my testing bunker to check everything’s good and working. (My checklist has 111 items to go through.) Once that’s done and everyone’s happy: launch!
(Actually that’s not the end of the process, of course I stick around to build on your success for as long as you want me, but five’s a neat number for now.)